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Emma Lo Giudice

Every kid is different, so every school holiday adventure should be too. See our top picks for Melbourne this spring.
Take some inspiration for the upcoming July holidays with this list of fun, disability friendly things to do in Sydney
Plan ahead for the July 2023 school holidays with some fun, disability-friendly ideas for things to do
Functional capacity assessments provide recommendations that can help you know how to spend your NDIS funding.
We've made a list of places to be and things to see for autistic kids in Perth these holidays.
Becoming a registered provider is a show of commitment to delivering quality services to NDIS participants...
If you are one of the many people looking for a new NDIS provider...
There are a lot of high-quality, well-established providers in the NDIS...
If you're considering speech pathology or want to learn more about it, we've got you covered...
There’s a lot of misunderstanding about what it means to be an unregistered provider in the NDIS...

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